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Halit Oener • Apr 08, 2023
E-Cars: first-hand experience report after almost one year from an enthusiastic car lover*

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As an enthusiastic car lover, I have always been curious about the new trends and innovations in the automotive industry (I was born and raised in the country of car manufacturers, not far from Stuttgart/Germany). Recently, I had the opportunity to buy an e-car, and it has been one of the most thrilling experiences of my life.

Driving an electric car is like nothing else I have ever experienced before. The instant torque, the silent ride, and the feeling of contributing to a cleaner environment are some things that make e-cars unique. From the moment I got behind the wheel, I knew this was the future of driving.

That's how Captain Future must feel in his spaceship - except that he's probably traveling faster than I am.

As a first-time buyer, there were many challenges associated with buying an e-car. The first and most significant challenge was finding a suitable model for me. With so many options, I needed to research and find a car that fit my needs and budget. I spent countless hours researching online, talking to other e-car owners, and test-driving different models before finally settling on the perfect car (lucky as I am, I had colleagues who helped me with this).

Another significant challenge was the range anxiety that comes with owning an e-car. In the beginning, I was constantly worried about running out of power on long drives or not being able to find a charging station when I needed one. However, with time and experience, I have learned to manage my range better and plan my trips accordingly. Note: everything you use in these cars influences the capacity: music, fewer kilometers, seat heating, fewer kilometers, charging your cell phone, fewer kilometers, "pedal to the metal" equals even fewer kilometers.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of owning an e-car is the sense of community that comes with it. E-car owners are a passionate and enthusiastic group of people who are always eager to share their knowledge and experiences. Whether at a charging station or a meet-up, I always feel a sense of camaraderie and connection with other e-car owners - now I even know Porsche drivers! (although after a deeper conversation, it turns out they primarily work for this manufacturer and are on the road with company cars).

In conclusion, owning an e-car has been an incredible experience for me. As a first-time buyer, there were undoubtedly challenges and obstacles to overcome, but the joy and passion of driving an e-car make it all worthwhile. I am excited to join the growing e-car community and look forward to seeing how this technology continues evolving and changing our drive.

One of the biggest challenges associated with owning an e-car is the availability and accessibility of charging stations. While charging stations have grown significantly recently, gas stations are more common. As a result, planning and finding charging stations on long trips can be challenging, especially in rural areas or less populated regions. In addition, different charging stations may require other cards or memberships, making it necessary to keep track of multiple accounts and payment methods.

However, despite these challenges, the benefits of owning an e-car far outweigh the inconveniences. Not only are e-cars more environmentally friendly and sustainable but offer significant cost savings over time. With no gasoline or oil changes, e-cars can save their owners thousands of dollars in maintenance and fuel costs.

The contribution to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future is one of the key reasons why I am so passionate about e-cars. By driving an e-car, I am doing my part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. E-cars produce zero emissions while driving, which is significantly less environmentally harmful than traditional gasoline-powered cars. In addition, as more renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, are used to generate electricity, the environmental benefits of e-cars will only continue to increase.

In conclusion, while there are certainly challenges associated with owning an e-car, the benefits are undeniable. E-cars offer a thrilling driving experience, significant cost savings over time, and the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. As more people switch to e-cars, we can look forward to a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous future for ourselves and future generations.

In Michael Ende's book "Momo," mysterious men in grey steal time from people. While I have not encountered grey-clad time thieves while charging my e-car (not even the drivers of the car brand starting with P), the time spent at charging stations can sometimes feel like it's being stolen!

Of course, the reality is that charging times for e-cars are constantly improving, and we can expect even faster charging in the future. But for now, there is still some time to be spent waiting for the batteries to charge up.

However, there is a silver lining to this waiting time. It allows us to take a break, stretch our legs, and explore new places while our cars recharge. And who knows, maybe one day we'll look back on these charging stops with fond memories of our unexpected adventures while waiting for the "men in grey" to finish stealing our time.

In the meantime, let's hope for even faster charging times and more convenient charging infrastructure so we can spend less time waiting and more time enjoying the thrill of driving our e-cars!

My observations & thoughts based on my experiences:

Firstly, investing in faster charging technology and infrastructure can significantly reduce waiting time at charging stations. Governments and private companies can work together to install high-power charging stations along major routes and cities, making it easier and more convenient for e-car owners to recharge their vehicles.

Secondly, offering more amenities at charging stations can help improve the overall charging experience. For example, providing comfortable seating, Wi-Fi, and food and drink options can make the wait more pleasant.

Thirdly, streamlining payment and membership processes for charging stations can help reduce the frustration of keeping track of multiple accounts and payment methods. A universal charging membership or payment system would make it easier for e-car owners to use any charging station, regardless of the provider.

And fourth: charging stations in shared parking lots or home charging systems installed by private individuals and households could be shared in the sense of sharing. This not only helps to save resources and money but is also in the sense of a shared economy for the benefit of everyone and especially for the environment.

By implementing these improvements, e-car owners can have a more enjoyable and hassle-free charging experience, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and greater adoption of e-cars.

Beam me up, Scotty!

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